About Us


Our Mission at NO. 1

At the heart of Vancouver, NO. 1 Spa emerges as a sanctuary, not just of relaxation but of deep, soulful rejuvenation. Our mission is a tapestry woven from the finest threads of traditional and contemporary wellness practices, where the ancient art of Thai massage, the harmonizing power of Swedish techniques, and the precision of Deep Tissue therapy converge. We embrace the transformative energy of Reiki, the gentle flow of Lomi Lomi, and the targeted relief of Shiatsu, acknowledging the diverse paths to healing and wellbeing.

In our hallowed halls, every element, every texture, and every scent is meticulously curated to transport our guests to a realm of serene tranquility. We see wellness as a holistic journey, a voyage that engages and balances the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of being. Our services are crafted not as mere offerings but as narratives of relaxation and rejuvenation, tailored to the unique stories and needs of each individual who walks through our doors.

Our team, a collective of licensed professionals, are the custodians of our mission. They are not only masters in their respective fields, encompassing various schools of massage and beauty therapies but also compassionate individuals dedicated to creating personalized experiences. Their touch is an extension of our ethos – to provide care that goes beyond the physical, reaching the depths of relaxation and wellness.

Beyond the realms of personal wellbeing, we stand as a beacon for sustainability and ethical practices. In our commitment to the health of our planet and its inhabitants, we embrace eco-friendly products and sustainable methods in our operations, aligning our practices with the wellbeing of the Earth.

NO. 1 Spa represents a philosophy, a sanctuary, a haven for those seeking a retreat from the chaos of the outside world. Our commitment is to be a haven of relaxation, health, and comprehensive wellbeing, continually adapting to meet the evolving needs of our clientele while upholding our timeless values of harmony, peace, and exceptional service. As you cross our threshold, we invite you to leave behind the mundane and embark on an enriching journey of renewal and discovery at NO. 1.

☆ COMING SOON in summer 2024, our new second location in Burnaby central

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